Table of Contents

pbis logging, loglevel, logfiles

Documentation Website


eventfwdThe event forwarding service. Generate a debug log to verify that the service is receiving events and forwarding them to a collector server.
eventlogThe event collection service. Generate a debug log for eventlog to troubleshoot the collection and processing of security events
gpagent The Group Policy agent. Generate a debug log for gpagent to troubleshoot the application or processing of Group Policy Objects (GPOs).
lsass The authentication service. Generate a debug log for lsass when you need to troubleshoot authentication errors or failures.
lwio The input-output service that manages interprocess communication.
lwpkcs11 A service that aids in logging on and logging off with a smart card. Gather logging information about it when there is a problem logging on or logging off with a smart card.
lwreg The AD Bridge registry service. Generate a debug log for lwreg to troubleshoot ill-fated configuration changes to the registry.
lwsc The smart card service. Gather logging information for the smart card service when card-insertion or card-removal behavior is other than expected.
lwsm The service manager.
netlogon The site affinity service that detects the optimal domain controller and global catalog. Generate a debug log for netlogon when you need to troubleshoot problems with sending requests to domain controllers or getting information from the global catalog.
PAM The pluggable authentication modules used by AD Bridge. Create a debug log for PAM when you need to troubleshoot logon or authentication problems.
reapsysl Part of the data collection service. Capture a debug log for reapsysl to investigate the collection and processing of events.

View Log Settings

To view the current level and target of logging of a service, enter the following command:

/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm get-log <service>

For example, entering the following command

/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm get-log lsass

produces the following result

<default>: syslog LOG_DAEMON at ERROR

This indicates that the lsass service's default log level is error and is directed to syslog’s daemon facility.

Target File

You can use the following command to change the log target for a particular service and facility to log to a file:

/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm set-log-target <service> <facility> file <path>


/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm set-log-target lsass - file /var/log/lsass.log

You can use the following command to change the log target for a particular service and facility to the syslog:

/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm set-log-target <service> <facility> syslog

Log Level

/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm set-log-level <service> <facility> <loglevel>


/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm set-log-level lsass - debug

Generate Support Bundle

The AD Bridge support script copies system files that AD Bridge needs to function into an archive


It generates a tar gz file in /tmp named with pbis-support-<hostname>-<datetime>.tar.gz

  • Jochen Schnürle