pbis / BeyondTrust

Change Loglevel https://www.beyondtrust.com/docs/ad-bridge/how-to/troubleshoot/agent/logging/index.htm

There are debug logs for the following services in AD Bridge Enterprise:


List Likewise/PBIS service

>/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm list


> /opt/pbis/bin/lwsm list
lwreg       running (container: 5544)
dcerpc      stopped
eventlog    stopped
lsass       running (container: 5660)
lwio        running (container: 5621)
netlogon    running (container: 5584)
rdr         running (io: 5621)

Delete AD Object/Computer Account

Add pbis to path:

> PATH=/opt/pbis/bin:$PATH

Create Kerberos ticket:

> kinit testzzdom@testdom.testads.de
Password for testzzdom@testdom.testads.de:

enter password. Now you can list the tickets with:

> klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: testzzdom@testdom.testads.de
Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
04/25/23 10:31:05  04/25/23 20:31:11  krbtgt/testdom.testads.de@testdom.testads.de
        renew until 05/02/23 10:31:05

Show all computer objects with filter server*:

> adtool -a search-computer --name 'server*'
Total computers: 2

Finally delete the object with:

> adtool -a delete-object --dn 'CN=secondserver,OU=Test-OU,OU=Computers,OU=Test,OU=Provider,DC=testdom,DC=testads,DC=de'
Object CN=secondserver,OU=Test-OU,OU=Computers,OU=Test,OU=Provider,DC=testdom,DC=testads,DC=de has been deleted.

  • Claus Astheimer
  • Jochen Schnürle