xe sr-probe type=lvmohba device-config:device=/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-<your scsi id>
xe sr-introduce uuid=<device uuid> shared=true type=lvmohba name-label=<name>
xe pbd-create sr-uuid=<device uuid> device-config:device=/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-<scsi id> host-uuid=<host uuid>
xe pbd-plug uuid=<pbd uuid>
xe sr-scan uuid=<uuid>
systool -c fc_host -v
or specified for only one host:
systool -c fc_host host0 -v
lspci |grep -i "fibre channel"
/opt/QLogic_Corporation/QConvergeConsoleCLI/scli -t
shows the target system node and port name / lun count of disks
/opt/QLogic_Corporation/QConvergeConsoleCLI/scli -i
/opt/QLogic_Corporation/QConvergeConsoleCLI/scli -l
systool -c fc_host -v |grep port_name
systool -A port_name -c fc_host host0
systool -A port_name -c fc_host
systool -c fc_host -v |grep node_name
systool -c fc_remote_ports -v -d
systool -c fc_transport -v
systool -m <controller> -v
* controller
systool -b scsi -v
systool -c scsi_disk -v
cat /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/<host>/scan
The three dash (“- - -”) of the command act as wildcards meaning rescan everything. Remember that the three values usually stand for channel, SCSI target ID, and LUN.
multipathd -k"show paths" multipathd -k"show multipaths topology"
Run the following command to show the current multipath topology:
multipath -l multipath -ll
Run the following command to show the verbosity and print all paths and multipaths:
multipath -v 2
Run the following command to refresh information what is supplied by previous commands:
multipath -v 3
Script to scan all the LUNs and update the SCSI layer to reflect new devices:
If you notice that “multipath –ll” shows you all the paths correctly and XenCenter shows you that some paths are not connected, you can refresh the information by: