iSCSI commands

Probe the SR:

xe sr-probe type=lvmoiscsi device-config:target=<device ip> device-config:targetIQN=<iqn>

Introduce the existing SR to XenServer:

xe sr-introduce uuid=<device uuid> shared=true type=lvmoiscsi name-label=<name>

Create a PBD for each host in the pool:

xe pbd-create sr-uuid=<device uuid> host-uuid=<host uuid> device-config:target=<device ip> device-config:targetIQN=<iqn> device-config:SCSIid=<scsi id>

Plug in the new PBD:

xe pbd-plug uuid=<pbd uuid>

Scan the SR:

xe sr-scan uuid=<uuid>

Discover available targets from a discovery portal:

iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p ipaddress

Log into all targets:

iscsiadm -m node -l

Log into a specific target:

iscsiadm -m node -T targetname -p ipaddress –l

Log out of all targets:

iscsiadm -m node -u

Log out of a specific target:

iscsiadm -m node -T targetname -p ipaddress -u

Display information about a target:

iscsiadm -m node -T targetname -p ipaddress

Display statistics of a target:

iscsiadm -m node -s -T targetname -p ipaddress

Display a list of all current sessions logged in:

iscsiadm -m session

View iSCSI database regarding discovery:

iscsiadm -m discovery -o show

View iSCSI database regarding targets to log into:

iscsiadm -m node -o show

View iSCSI database regarding sessions logged into:

iscsiadm -m session -o show

Find newly created device name:

Find the newly created device name, using the iscsiadm command. In this test configuration, the new volume is /dev/sdb. At the end of the output you could see attached scsi disk name.

iscsiadm -m session -P3


When you expand the volume or disk, you might need to rescan. So the below command will help:

iscsiadm -m node -p --rescan

Identify what is the current SCSI ID on the LUN containing your Storage Repository:

# xe sr-probe type=lvmoiscsi device-config:target=<Target IP> device-config:targetIQN=<Target IQN>


# xe sr-probe type=lvmoiscsi device-config:target=
Error code: SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_107
Error parameters: , The SCSIid parameter is missing or incorrect, <?xml \version="1.0" ?>

Identify what SCSI ID the XenServer expects to be on the LUN containing your Storage Repository by running the following commands:

Identify UUID of the SR that is unplugged:

# xe sr-list type=lvmoiscsi

Identify expected SCSI ID of the LUN containing SR that is unplugged:

# xe pbd-list sr-uuid=<SR UUID>


# xe sr-list type=lvmoiscsi
uuid ( RO)                : f6a7d8be-cd21-d9b2-1864-9c67d7ed1724
          name-label ( RW): iSCSI virtual disk storage
    name-description ( RW): iSCSI SR [ (]
                host ( RO): xenserver-dellAMDR131
                type ( RO): lvmoiscsi
content-type ( RO):
# xe pbd-list sr-uuid=f6a7d8be-cd21-d9b2-1864-9c67d7ed1724
uuid ( RO)                  : 9cd47f3e-944d-0ea2-522c-5c7e399543ab
             host-uuid ( RO): ac3e1d25-c12e-4588-bc35-857ad1fa7e43
               sr-uuid ( RO): f6a7d8be-cd21-d9b2-1864-9c67d7ed1724
         device-config (MRO): port: 3260; target:; SCSIid:\ 360a9800050334c66435a49636f545143; targetIQN:
    currently-attached ( RO): false

Note: This SCSI ID should match the entry under the XenCenter iSCSI SR General Tab. SCSI ID collected from steps 3 and 4 must match. If they do not your LUN SCSI ID has been changed.

  • Jochen Schnuerle