
“The Big Idea Behind Postbox

Our email accounts are like databases for our lives. There's so much in there!

That's because in addition to communications, we use email to store documents, images, and important pieces of information. We use our inboxes as to-do lists, and use emails as reminders. You might even email notes to yourself.

But all of this data is really hard to find and use. And most email interfaces feel limiting and clunky, as if they're holding you back from what you really want to do. No wonder email feels like such a struggle.

Postbox embraces all of the crazy ways you use email, and makes it work much better. Postbox was designed to provide:

  • Customizable, efficient workspaces
  • Views that support our immediate work needs
  • Tools to get stuff done more quickly and with less effort
  • Powerful search that lets you find what you need, when you need it

Like parts of a bicycle, all of Postbox's features work synergistically together to support these design goals.”


  • Jochen Schnuerle