QNAP check filesystem

If the gui prints a error message like

Examination failed (Cannot unmount disk)

try the following commands:

  1. first stop services
    /etc/init.d/services.sh stop
    /etc/init.d/opentftp.sh stop
    /etc/init.d/Qthttpd.sh stop
    /etc/init.d/rsnap.sh stop
  2. detect the mountpoint - use df or mount, e.g. /dev/mapper/cachedev1 or 2
  3. try to unmount
    umount /dev/mapper/cachedev1
  4. check if unmounted
    mount | grep -i cache
  5. check filesystem
    e2fsck_64 -p -f -v -C 0 /dev/mapper/cachedev1

  • Jochen Schnuerle