NTP Configuration

w32tm /stripchart /computer:<ip> /samples:2 /packetinfo

Windows 2016 Server

First control uplinks:

w32tm /query /source
C:\>w32tm /query /source

If it prints “Free-running System Clock” or “Local CMOS Clock” the ntp server is not configured.

List peers:

w32tm /query /peers
C:\>w32tm /query /peers
#Peers: 1

Peer: 0.de.pool.ntp.org
State: Active
Time Remaining: 89.1605791s
Mode: 1 (Symmetric Active)
Stratum: 1 (primary reference - syncd by radio clock)
PeerPoll Interval: 7 (128s)
HostPoll Interval: 7 (128s)

If peer setting is empty and state pending:

C:\> w32tm /query /peers
#Peers: 1

State: Pending
Time Remaining: 6179.7006269s
Mode: 0 (reserved)
Stratum: 0 (unspecified)
PeerPoll Interval: 0 (unspecified)
HostPoll Interval: 0 (unspecified)

the server is not using ntp.

Edit the peer list:

w32tm /config /update /manualpeerlist:"0.de.poolntp.org 1.de.poolntp.org" /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes

Force sync:

w32tm /resync /rediscover

  • Jochen Schnuerle