VIP Version 4.00.03
Actual Versions
VIP 4.00.03 - 17.4.2015
XEN 1.1.28 - 17.2.2015 for XenServer 6.20, 6.50
ESXi 9.02.15 - 17.4.2015 for ESXi 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, 6.0
CentOS 1.01.25 - 17.4.2015 for CentOS 5.x, 6.x, 7.x
RedHat 1.00.03 - 17.4.2015 for RedHat Enterprise 5.x, 6.x, 7.x
+ add support for RedHat Enterprise
+ add LXAdmin Role
XenServer Detail View
+ config files view
+ edit config files
Xen Pool View
+ update scripts in background
+ linux model overview
+ linux model view
+ rh* scripts for RedHat Support
+ new parameter chkonsrv
+ get_srv_data function for all data and server types
+ rinfo - remote info and list (-n)
[root@vitempprod tools]# ./rinfo -n -t esxi51u3
14:26:18 INFO : Start rinfo - 1.0.0 - 22.4.2015
14:26:18 INFO : server esx2 found for tree esxi51u3
14:26:26 INFO : server dev4 found for tree esxi51u3
14:26:39 INFO : End rinfo rc=0
+ getsrvinfo
+ sshkeyclean
+ cpvi
remove old scripts for cpvi,rinfo and sshkeyclean
cocpvi script removed, call cpvi
corlxinfo script removed, call rinfo
cosshclea script removed, call sshkeyclean
esxicpvi script removed, call cpvi
esxirviinf script removed, call rinfo
esxisshclean script removed, call sshkeyclean
rhrlxinfo script removed, call rinfo
xencpvi script removed, call cpvi
xenrviinf script removed, call rinfo
xensshclean script removed, call sshkeyclean