Change Cipher on ESXi
For port 443 (HTTPS) on ESXi
Connect to the ESXi host through SSH.
Take a backup of /etc/vmware/rhttpproxy/config.xml file.
Open the /etc/vmware/rhttpproxy/config.xml file in a text editor.
Find a line containing <cipherList>. If it doesn't exit, the user can create it within the XML structure:
Replace with this line:
For changes to take effect, restart the rhttpproxy service using this command:
/etc/init.d/rhttpproxy restart
Maybe if needed delete the
in the cipherList section too.
For port 5989 (CIM) on ESXi
Connect to the ESXi host through SSH
Navigate to /etc/sfcb folder
Take a backup of the sfcb.cfg file
Open the sfcb.cfg file in a text editor.
Add the below line:
Restart the CIM service by running this command:
/etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog restart